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Hard Core Meditation

This is quite trippy if viewed on full screen…

Hard Candy

and Hard Candy Reversed!


Messages from the enlightened beings are more than welcome!

“Always remember deep in your heart that all is well and everything is unfolding as it should. There are no mistakes anywhere, at any time. What appears to be wrong is simply your own false imagination. That’s all.”

~Robert Adams

There is a power inside you that can manifest anything you want into your world.  When you focus your attention in the positive direction of your dreams for just a few minutes in a row, you awaken the greatest manifesting source of energy inside you!  I’ve recorded a FREE guided visualization that will help you ignite the ultimate manifesting power within you.  When you integrate this sacred wisdom into your daily life, you’ll empower and enlighten your life in the most divine way…enjoy!!

Click the tree to Download Jafree’s NEW FREE Enlightening Guided Journey Now!

By Jafree Ozwald

free enlightened beings


10 Ways to Raise Your Consciousness

Dark times get sometimes so dark when we find ourselves at cross roads between Life and giving up that you question again whether this jolly stuff actually work after you got another kick from life in directions not expected. The first direction is to fall from that pedestal of enlightened and spirituality grace you thought you’ve permanently built for yourself. Some say, you’d have to touch rock bottom before rising from your ashes again and fly up but hopefully, if you have been true to your inner self and beliefs, it doesn’t have to get that low…

All experiences in life work harmoniously together for our own benefit. Lessons force us to get new wisdom, endings will bring new beginnings, personality conflicts will make room to grow a higher understanding of human nature and most important, the painful expansion of yourself and your own journey just like through the pain of a new birth, so whether we accept it quick enough or not, it all in the end show us that life would be stale and boring otherwise… It has been through pain that I have moved from places and people and is when I calm down when I can analyse and find its meaning, the value of my lessons and the riches of my versatile and experienced life.

So it is a challenge to have trust again in the universe for letting bad things happen supposedly for a good reason that you can’t actually see yet or for bringing people who hurt, and it is a challenge to get back on the jolly wheel again, but I am sure is better than to hopelessly drown in a bitter pond of sadness and hate… so giving trust and the jolly stuff another go, will test it to work its magic again…

Here is an e-mail I got this morning I thought worth sharing. Hopefully it can help to get over any shadows getting a refreshed perspective. GB

10 Ways to Raise Your consciousness

© By Aine Belton

Below are 10 timeless tips for elevating your state and living a happier life right now!

May these serve as ever-friendly reminders – they are certainly ones I personally never tire of!

1. Gratitude

Gratitude opens your heart and directs your energy to that which you love and what brings you joy, and in so magically attracts more of the same! It is a way to give (in its appreciation) and receive (through the opening created in that giving). The more you value and feel grateful for ANYTHING, the more there will be to feel grateful for per se. Furthermore, when you feel grateful you experience all the beautiful qualities you feel grateful for all over again. What you appreciate, appreciates!

“Gratitude is the sweet song of appreciation and turns any experience into a gift that is received.”

2. Suspend Judgment

Judging others, or yourself, lowers your energy and separates you from love and joy. Having an opinion isn’t the same as judging and doesn’t hold the harsh energy that judgment does. Even with forming or holding an opinion, however, be sure you know the truth of any person or situation.

“Be mindful what you decide about someone you don’t know, for it will invariably reveal less of them and more of you.”

What you judge in another may be something you secretly judge in yourself that you have not yet owned and are projecting outwards. Use judgment as a means to become more conscious of yourself, you inner buttons, beliefs and repressed aspects.

“If you’re pointing a finger, be sure to look in the mirror first.”

The more you love and accept yourself, the less you will judge others or be affected by the judgments of others. This doesn’t mean tolerating a situation or behaviour that you feel doesn’t honour you, more it frees you to walk your own path and leave others to theirs.

“When you judge you project your shadows onto others, when you love you project your light.”

3. Trust

Trust takes you towards positive desired outcomes in a magical, effortless way. Trust yourself and your power as a creator. Trust the universe and the love, gifts, guidance and blessings it has for you. Trust the doors that are opening and the ones that are closing. Relinquish control and allow yourself to be carried along the river of trust, the universal flow that will take you to bright realities aligned to your soul’s purpose with grace and ease.

4. Honour Your Emotions

Honour your emotions and listen to what they are telling you about what’s going on inside. If they are negative or uncomfortable, what thoughts or beliefs are they pointing to that may need changing or aligning?

Express and release your feelings rather than deny, repress, control or judge them. This doesn’t mean wallowing in them or giving them undue attention if they do not serve you (i.e. nip that self-pity in the bud), nor does it mean venting them at another inappropriately (writing a letter and burning it might be far ‘cleaner’ as a means of processing before communication in some instances, for example). Honour your emotions by accepting them and allowing them to be experienced and released, be that by feeling them, writing them down, sharing them with a friend, or expressing them through creativity, for example.

5. Meditate

Meditation has so many benefits, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically, as science is now recognising and documenting. Meditation brings calm and balanced perspectives and dissipates negative states and denser energy, washing away stress and lower vibrations as you centre and realign.

Meditation creates a gateway through which divine inspiration and higher guidance can be accessed and received, as you still your conscious mind and open channels to spiritual realms and your Higher Self, enhancing intuitive senses.

Your energy field can clear, renew and recharge, and lower energies dissolve as you come to centre, connect to the light within, and ‘plug-in’ to higher realms through dedicating the time and space to honour the sacred – the sacred in you, and the sacred of the all-and-One, or whatever name you hold for the heart of creation.

6. Take Responsibility

Responsibility brings freedom and empowerment. The more you take responsibility for your life, the better able you are to change it. You create or allow your experience at some level, whether you are aware of that, or the roots and whys.

Become aware of the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and choices that are creating your reality. Take responsibility for them and choose those that serve you and your world. Get exciting about the future, own your power and get manifesting! Shift gears from fear and problems to solutions and desired outcomes, from blame to gain, wounded to winner, falling to soaring.

“One of the fastest ways to change your life is to start realising that you are its author and get writing a new script!”

7. Know You Are Loved

You are loved totally and unconditionally by the source of creation. If you do not hold spiritual beliefs, think of it as though there is a part of you that loves you completely, beyond need of a reason. There is nothing you need do to win that love, and nothing you can do to lose it. Open to this truth and allow it in, and the love that wants to be given to you in every moment. You are loved more than you will ever know, in ways beyond that which you may be able to currently conceive, understand or make sense of from your human perspective.

Opening to this love that is always there for you will help you experience more of your true value, worth and inherent deserving, and heal pain of separation and loneliness. Start by allowing in the possibility that you are totally and unconditionally loved right now, just as you are.

“You are loved beyond reasons, you are loved beyond seasons, unconditionally, eternally, you are loved.”

8. Forgive Yourself and Others

Forgiveness of self and others is the ultimate mind-body-soul detox. It liberates you from toxic emotions and sets you free from the draining attachments and darker emotions non-forgiveness holds you captive to. Self-forgiveness dispels guilt, shame and undeserving that can otherwise block happiness and success. It is an immensely powerful force for healing and transformation and a most gracious gift you can give yourself.

9. Have Fun!

Fun will attract success into your life like iron filings to a magnet. In fact, fun is so much of what True Success is all about, and what your heart seeks.

“If you have fun on the way to achieving your goals, you will have achieved one of life’s greatest goals.”

Fun is the antidote to stress, struggle, tediousness and seriousness. When you are having fun you are open and sharing of who you are and ride on the current of spontaneity and joy. What brings you fun, happiness and joy? Commit to more of it in all areas of your life!

“Be sure to play, to make your day, sparkle with joy, so your heart says yay!”

10. Love, Love, Love!

Love yourself and others. There may be times this is easier than others, yet make it your overriding intention. There may be some people you choose to love from a distance, yet that love is still a healing energy nonetheless.

“The beauty with love is, whether near or far, you can love from wherever you are.”

Love lies at the heart of all that you seek, and separation from it lies at the root of your troubles and pain. Let love be a guiding light in your life that will steer your ship through stormy waters back to the shore of happiness and joy. We all love to love and be loved! It doesn’t get better than that! It is the highest vibration there is. The more you love yourself and others, the happier, brighter and more successful your life will become.


Emotional Instinct & Emotional Intelligence

 First of all let me start by admitting that I am an Emotional Ignorant or worse yet as I’ve had dig deeper, my emotional triggers are controlled by my instincts and that as we can see in the animal kingdom the instincts of a cat are not the same as a dog or as a monkey in humans we find instincts and characteristics that makes us all different and so my natural character is bold and daring always aiming to tell the “truth” and express my true feelings as they come. So in a nut shell, in standing for my genuine character with close relations this makes me a complete Emotional Ignorant who can destroy in a minute of impatience what my logic more desires which is the peaceful resolution of a conflict.

According to well reputed Mr Daniel Goleman in his book “Emotional Intelligence”  following “Harvard  business Review Articles” ( that you can dig from the internet quite easily), the components of EI at work are:

“• self-awareness: the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emotions and drive, as well as your effect on others.

• self-regulation: the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods and the ability to suspend judgment and think before acting.

• motivation: a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status and a propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence.

• empathy: the ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people and skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions.

• social skill proficiency in managing relationships,building networks and an ability to find common ground and build rapport.”

I have found that even though common sense can easily guide you into achieving those components of EI at work perfectly, in personal relationships that touch us to the core, the implementation of them seem to be totally useless, we don’t even take notice that we have to apply any tactic at all! and  then the results can be no less detrimental; the reason why is simply because we don’t have to be emotionally involved with colleagues neither necessarily touched at a personal level at work, we aim to impress as we are doing what we must do in terms of work while in personal interaction our deepest longing is to be our simply selves able to express and be understood which in a given disagreement of instincts is unlikely to occur.

In saying this, I have come to the realisation that no matter how close relationships are, Emotional Intelligence must be learned and applied just as any in negotiation at work because no matter how close you are to someone, a negotiation of give and receive love, care and affections is continually at stake with any of you risking to get the short side of the stick at any moment and it has nothing to do with how valuable, knowledgeable or spiritual you are as a person. Sad as it may sound, in the end, no matter much knowledge we have or how spiritual we are, we are each on our own and if we are not able to see all people including close relationships as individuals who negotiate with us in different terms on a daily basis, the frank reactions you take to the disappointments you get every time from everyone around you would be a hindrance to your progress in your development to be a better human being and a disturbance to the peace you need to get ahead.

So in conclusion to my experience, trust no one with the expression of feline inner emotions as you may bump onto chickens or snakes etc who would take matters in a whole different fashion, would never understand you and may leave or degrade affairs to a worse state, learn on how to center yourself in balance with the EI tactics to put in practice not at the expense of your truthfulness and character but rising up to a higher level of peace and understanding of yourself. 

Emotional intelligence is the skill to truly never lose you cool for anyone. I am resolute to train my instincts and learn to express “my truths” the intelligent way as I finally agree that you can’t wear your raw heart on your sleeve.

Hope whoever you are and my friends will look at this following link as I wish them at the same time to learn and apply Emotional Intelligence with me 🙂 the more Emotional Intelligent people we are  the less conflict we would get and the better our experience of life in this planet will be; so is not small matter. Better late than never for a fresher more aware journey to begin.

For further reading and to get a short and truly useful booklet with the 10 secrets to boost your Emotional Intelligence, click on the picture


Thoughts on ‘Controversy’ and ‘Modern Art’

My personal definition of ART is:

A ltruistictly

R eleasing

T ension

ok? that in my humble opinion. I was recently invited to an art show where among many outstanding and amazing performances that took place, and they all were really brilliant dance and theatrical pieces, except one performance which just caused me to write this article as no-one’s said anything about it; this one in particular that I am talking about, was a guy who brought a bunch of dead ducks and birds to perform an utterly disrespectful bloody indulgence with them going around the room while pictures of the organizers genitals were on display. That’s what some call ‘Modern Art’ and so I just want to express what I think about it.

The inspiration of many modern performing artists seem to aim at shocking and disgusting basic instincts, frequently they try too hard at showing off controversial ideas that collide with honest opinion rather than focusing on expressing their true talent. It is certainly true that art is about controversy, surprise and free expression but surely it has not to be at the expense of human and animal degradation, cruelty and vulgarly; anybody can tap into bizarre human degradation and call it art but is that really art? or just attention seeking antics that have no meaning?

In a world of tasteless reality shows where reality as such is as distant and diverted from what is real as a negative of a photograph of a subject to the subject itself, questioning arises; has tapping into the subliminal codes of vivid imagination lost its passionate appetite for some?

It appears that it is in our days that true inspiring art and hard work to attain it, such as those from iconic  historical heroes, is becoming more of a distant memory; neither many artists are coming up with work that could help the aperture of the human mind into transcendence and cultural evolution in the main stream media and many just attempt to throw buckets of cold water of outrageous undermining indifference to people in search of true inspiration while regarding it as ignorance. They try to get rid of the past beautiful ideas in the name of originality taking all that was good with it as in a whole package and this is what many on modern art seem to do, nothing more that trying to represent a desperate attempt to grasp something new without any point of meaning to reference as to whether is good or not. And who am I to say all this? I am an Art Lover, just like many, spread around the world, from all walks of life…

I know that is apt to the art lover to judge this art from his/her point of perception but is it profanity and animal cruelty or disrespect for beings and nature art? or is that art for the sake of calling it art? Understanding art is not as simple…many will proclaim to be artists just for the degrees gained from the schools they’ve attended but true art understanding have less regard with degrees and more substance in the subliminal and even spiritual perception of the unknown true art lovers who evoke to a point of connection with their experiences and dreams as they go through the process of refinement of concepts which is a fundamentally subjective issue as cultural evolution itself, and consequently art shall be open to all sources of possibilities through real human experiences for art contains many faces for comprehension and many meanings for analysis.

For the sake of moral judgement, Art can not be superficially overview as if it were a simply esthetic or anti-esthetic item of subjective and subliminal irrelevance for in the end, it will feel as empty as a noisy drum. These irreverent attention seeking artists find prominent place in modern-day as setting up gigs and exhibitions become more popular and easy to access and to produce but as far as an art lover is concern, the filtering through what constitutes true inspiration must stand firm, as firm as a heavy boat standing in the midst of and avalanche of a flood, beginning with one’s self inner definition of inspiration and inclination.

Controversial called art disregard questioning and ridicule as being poignant but causing controversy is not the same great aim as causing inspiration and cultural transcendence, which makes you wonder if these artists are setting out to offend or they have a real need to create something from their deepest necessities of approval and ego conflicts?


New Year’s Decorations…Feng Shui!

I became interested in Feng Shui as the concept of energy has become clearer to me in recent months, It just simply makes sense that if everything is energy in constant alive movement and flow, the effects and causes are reciprocal from inside out so in order to master a perfect flow or an always evolving state of balance and bliss, one has to learn how to achieve that this flow of energy within us and our environment runs as smoothly and harmonious as possible; from within, learning to clear the energy emanating from our chakra system which impacts our etheric state of being to the vibrational reflection in all the things and the nature that surround us. Like everyone else, I find areas that can be strong as well as areas that can be harmfully weak, I found that our environment and the way we arrange our spaces will reflect this state of being and in order to start working on those weak areas that affect our lives in ways we don’t always understand, work must be done inside but also outside of us. The universe provides energy charges and comforters that are available in plain nature, being plants, water, crystals and the energetic field of earth itself that most of us have grown to ignore.

It is in Feng Shui where answers regarding re arrangement of immediate environment are found as to how to use the elements and colours at our disposal to instigate positive changes, nothing at all new, an art and science that has been studied for thousands of years developed in China. The results I have yet to see but I will pay attention in the coming new year, it is always good to start a fresh and redecorate a little anyway so here I am sharing with you my findings:

Feng Shui;  It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Feng means wind and shui means water.

In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune. Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy. The ancient Chinese believed that the land’s energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis that come from Taoism. •How To Get Started with Feng Shui The main tools used in a feng shui analysis are the Compass and the Ba-Gua:

The Ba-Gua  is an octagonal grid containing the symbols of the I Ching, the ancient oracle on which Feng Shui is based. Knowing the Bagua of your home will help you understand the connection of specific feng shui areas of your home to specific areas of your life. It is important to understand that there are several different schools of feng shui, as well as a strong culturally specific symbolic aspect of feng shui that you have to use intelligently. Once you master the basic level of feng shui, you will start seeing powerful results. You will also understand why feng shui is extensively used in both homes and offices all over the world. Feng Shui offers a variety of feng shui cures to improve your life. From the feng shui use of aquariums to attract prosperity to the feng shui use of crystals and fountains; from the right feng shui use of colors to the feng shui use of clocks, there are many ways you can improve the energy in your home or office with feng shui.  Just like traditional Chinese medicine, feng shui knowledge is deep and complex.


The following an easier way to understand the way that you can divide your house to implement the principles of Feng shui. You just hold the square map from the entrance of the house and divide your space in the 9 areas for elements and colours specified below and what they represent. For more specifics on how you do this, I recommend you visit experts in the subject and continue your research. It is plain and simple a matter of order and harmony; one thing I don’t recommend is to become obsessive and superstitious about it as things will flow with your instinct better than anything else so there is no need to become a trinket chinese collector; neither cast evil prejudgment on it, we have so much taboo in our Western cultures that is a pity knowledge like this tends to be regarded dark or cultic when in reality its emphasis is on anything but a positive approach to life in flow with the universe around us, unfortunately just like in my case, it is by hitting rock bottom that brings one to the awareness that you need more than mere luck and good intentions to have positive effects in your life, you need to be in the light of who you are, where are you living and how things can be aligned in to balance in a tangible physical way as well as mentally.

Have fun and Best of Luck!


Reading your “Aura”

the healing energy of colours starts with our very own Auras. According to experts in the subject, Auras are a form of electromagnetic energy emitted by all living things (including plants) that surround our bodies. We obviously can not easily see them through the naked eye but it makes sense that if our bodies are in constant motion of energy, a field of this transmission will occur within the surrounded area reflecting the vibration of the energy it has emitted and we can perceive it somehow; these is the energy you feel when you meet someone for example. The aura then, is unique as our bodies are but will follow patterns that represent that energy which is at the same time made of light and light reflects color. This colours then are exposing the meaning and feeling wich is the vibration of that energy.

Auras are directly related to the chakras for they are the centers of energy fields which rule the state of our inner being through the energy points along the spine. We all have an aura which reflects our state of health and emotional well-being just like we all have a field of our vibrational energy influencing our exchanges and communications with one another.

People who claim to be able to read auras are looking at colour and breaks in the aura to interpret the person’s physical and mental state, and to see whether the flow of energy needs healing and in particular, whether the relevant chakra needs attention to be strengthened. The clearer the colour is, the more positive the energy. Cloudy, murky or pale colours in the aura have a negative meaning. Breaks in the aura, or large dark patches, can mean the onset of a physical illness in that area of the body. It all looks pretty obvious as colours talk to us at a deeper level.

The area nearest the body tends to refer to the person’s physical state; the layer of the aura which is further away tends to refer to the mental or spiritual state. So again, According to experts in the subject, different colours have different meanings and these meaning are as follows, though in my opinion are subject to perception :

Red Positive: energy, activity, courage. Negative: anger, repressed emotion. Orange Positive: confidence, optimism, independence. Negative: indecision, low self-esteem. Yellow is the colour of the intellect and communication. Positive: open, articulate, creative, enthusiastic. Negative: secretive, dishonest, manipulative. Green Positive: healing, nurturing, loyal, patient. Negative: jealous, emotional dependency. Blue Justice, principles and ideals. Positive: just, altruistic. Negative: naïve, inflexible. Purple Spirituality and psychic awareness. Positive: intuitive. Negative: prone to day-dreaming. Pink Peacemaker, love, harmony. Positive: peaceful. Negative: sitting on the fence, no sense of direction, sees other people’s point of views to the detriment of their own. White Synthesis of all colours. Spirituality – usually seen coming out of the crown of the head. For instance, anger can be seen as red spikes in the aura. Cloudy or murky patches around the head can mean worries, or headaches.

Psychics say that you can learn how to see your aura using some exercises like sitting in front of a mirror in a dimly lit space and letting your vision go out of focus. Kirlian photography is a technique developed in Russia in the 1930s which shows auras on film.

I found this quite interesting to share and though deep inside we know exactly how we feel and what needs to be strengthen or calmed down, hope you try to identify your Aura sometime, I will!


The Chakra System by Carol Tuttle

“The point where each

dimension connects to

the physical is called a

chakra, a Sanskrit word.

There are seven centers

of life energy in the

human body counting

from a chakra at the base

of the spine to one at the

top of the head.”

Jose Silva, You The Healer,

pg. 173

Thanks to Carol Tuttler, here I am sharing the most practical and contemporary Chakra explanation I have found so far. It makes sense to identify the areas where our energies can go high or low in trying to pay attention to the weaknesses that can disturb our wholeness and well-being in order to overcome and grow in knowledge and balance. According to her, these areas called Chakras since eons, are at the core of what it means to us to be Strong or Weak.

I have not get into any of her programs so I am neutral as to how they work and don’t mean to recommend that you have to either… but just the mere definitions and explanations have help a great deal to define the areas for me to work on:

If your Root Chakra is STRONG you are in the state where you love your career and get rewarded for being so good at it. Everybody admires you for your uncanny ability to make, save and invest money. You always have more than enough money to go on holiday and buy what you want, without feeling guilty afterwards. You always feel wanted and loved by your friends and family, and you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror, both physically and emotionally. If your Root Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED you tend to get stuck in an unfulfilling and unrewarding career, and you never seem to have enough money, which leaves you worried and in debt. Spending money is a harrowing experience for you, as you doubt your ability to budget effectively. You suffer from weight or body issues, which leave you feeling unworthy and uncomfortable in your own skin.

If your Sacral Chakra is STRONG, you see sex in a positive light, as a glorious, pleasurable and healthy activity. You enjoy passionate, frequent and long-lasting sex with your partner. Orgasms are mind-blowing, and you and your partner often orgasm at the same moment. You make time to have sex at least a few times a week, even if you’ve been married or attached to the same person for years. You are always able to attract the right partners; compatible people who nourish you, fill you with joy and make you a better person. If your Sacral Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, images of guilt and pain conjures in your mind when you think about sex. You rarely have the time or inclination to have sex, and when you do, it’s lackluster. You and your partner rarely orgasm at the same time, and premature or delayed ejaculation may be a frequent problem. You struggle to see yourself as ‘sexy’, and sometimes wonder how anyone could desire you. Your partners are often wrong and incompatible for you, and you find yourself wondering if you’ll ever find “the one”.

If your Personal Power Chakra is STRONG, you are admired for your confidence and healthy self-esteem, both in your career and personal life. You’re never afraid to speak your mind, and you empower those around you to do the same. Your family, colleagues and community see you as a charismatic individual, determined to use your charisma and power for making the world a better place. If your Personal Power Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED you tend to struggle with self-esteem issues, and feelings of unworthiness. You tend to question yourself when faced with important decisions like whether to move to another city, change your career, get married to your partner or to have children. You feel like a victim in the world, and often feel powerless to circumstances and other people’s desires. You may also suffer from frequent stomach pains and stomach anxiety.

If your Heart Chakra is STRONG, you enjoy comfortable, loving and empathic relationships at home, at work and in your community. You get along with your family. Your friends see you as a reliable person. At work, you’re known as the one people can talk to. You feel a heartfelt sense of gratitude for how wonderful your life is, and feel compassion for all around you. If your Heart Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you tend to sabotage your relationships with distrust, anger, and a sense that you’ll lose your independence if you rely too much on others. You may struggle with commitment, experience frequent fights or misunderstandings with your loved ones, and always keep yourself “on guard” in case you get hurt by someone.

If your Throat Chakra is STRONG, you are good at voicing out your thoughts, ideas and emotions to those around you. You’re admired for your willpower and strong communication skills, and your conviction to speak the truth, even if it may be uncomfortable to some. Your career and personal life are enriched as a result. If your Throat Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you constantly feel like nobody cares about your opinions, and that you have nothing of value to say. You’re likely to be known as the ‘quiet one’ in your professional and social circles, and you frequently settle with following other people’s opinions. You often suffer from a blocked and sore throat.

If your Intuitive Chakra is STRONG, you are able to make accurate intuitive decisions and evaluations about your career, your family and the intentions of other people. You often know things without knowing exactly how you know them, and you have a clear sense of direction and clarity in everything that you do. You have a vivid picture of where your life is headed, and the people around you are likely to rely on you for guidance and advice. If your Intuitive Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED, you have the tendency to feel helpless or lost when faced with decisions and judgment calls. You are indecisive, uncommitted and unconfident of the decisions you end up making, because you have a history of making the wrong ones. You feel spiritually lost, and your true purpose is unclear to you. You often get headaches and feel tension in your brow area.

If your Crown Chakra is STRONG, you perpetually feel connected to a higher power, be it God, Universal Consciousness or simply your higher self. As you go through your daily life, you are always reminded that you are being watched over, and you feel immense gratitude for the universal love and appreciation you feel towards yourself and others. Others describe you as “glowing”. If your Crown Chakra is WEAK or CLOSED you tend to feel little or no connection to a higher power, and always feel alone. You feel unworthy of spiritual help, and perhaps even angry that your higher power has abandoned you. You often suffer from migraines and tension headaches.

Click Carol Tuttle’s picture to find out more about what she is teaching about the Chakra healing


Healthy Summer Crush + Quick Spinach Recipee

* 2 Golden Delicious or Royal Gala apples
* 1 handful fresh blueberries
* 1 handful fresh raspberries
* 1 handful fresh strawberries

This combination of berries contains a phenomenal number of vital vitamins and minerals. The juice is bursting with folic acid and anti-oxidants, which are excellent for the immune system along with fight against free radical damage.

Check the following video for the quickest healthiest dinner you can do! I would definitelly replace Crab for Chicken…that is a more practical choice.


Green Corner – Recycling

Discover what really happens with your recyclables. Its time for another round of That’s Just Weird.

ZapRoot, the webs most popular green video series, is an unconventional bite-sized news show that covers the fast changing world of the modern green revolution. With sarcasm, silliness, & sanity, host Jessica Wlliamson encourages you to have a better time while making a better world.

ZapRoot : The Truth About Recycling

Hoping you can cope with a teen New Yorker’s accent, here it goes: